Testing is scheduled to be completed today on the fourteen monitoring wells surrounding Pascoag’s well fields. The results of these tests will hopefully indicate the direction of the contamination.
Additionally, Pascoag is testing private wells near its wellfields to determine if any are contaminated with MTBE. Pascoag is not testing private wells in general, only a limited number surrounding its wellfields. Customers with private wells wishing to have them tested may call the RIDOH at 222-5600 for further information.
A portable drilling rig will be arriving in the District late today or tomorrow. It will begin a series of monitoring wells throughout the village. This testing will, again, help to determine the extent of the MTBE contamination.
Pascoag is also working with a private contractor to determine the viability of installing a filtration system The cost of this system will be determined over the next several days.
All nursing homes in the District should continue to make arrangements with private suppliers for their potable water needs. A list of companies that supply potable water is available at the District office.
In the event any of the District’s water customers are housebound, and cannot arrange to obtain water, District personnel will deliver water for their needs. The customers must supply the containers.
The District has a direct number and web site address for any physicians with questions regarding MTBE. Please have your doctor’s office call 568-6222 for additional information.
Daily updates will be available at the District office. Customers may stop by the District office at 253 Pascoag Main Street, or call 568-6222 during normal business hours for these updates.